Saturday, 1 September 2007

Meeting 28th August 2007

Thanks to everyone who made it to the meeting last Tuesday, and thanks in particular to Peter for delivering an excellent workshop on the subject of research.

We are now looking for submissions for Aware 3. The theme this year is "Home and Away" , and I'll be really interested to see how this theme is interpreted! We're looking for short stories and articles (not exceeding 1500 words), as well as poems, short prose, flash fiction, whatever you feel like! Submissions should be e-mailed to Belinda, or you can e-mail them via Please send submissions in by 24th September.

The next meeting is 25th September and will be a critique night. If you have any submissions for Aware 3 that you'd like to be included in the critique please ensure this is highlighted on the piece. Alternatively if you have any other items for critique you could either e-mail them to, or alternatively post them here.

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