Thanks to everyone who attended last night's AGM and to all those who have volunteered to be part of the new committee. I find myself in the position of being able to direct new members to the group so it's pleasing (and relieving!) to know that there will still be a group to signpost folks to.
Please support your new committee. I'm sure they'll work hard on your behalf. I've posted my report to the AGM as a comment to this blog.
Goodbye and good luck.
Chairperson’s Report to AGM 27th May 2008
This is my sixth and final chairperson’s report to Chorley and District Writers’ Circle AGM. It’s also the last meeting that I will be attending. Our treasurer, Hazel Ratcliffe, is likewise leaving the group and Belinda Farrell is resigning as secretary although she hopes to continue attending meetings when she can.
Mass resignation is not necessarily negative – and I sincerely hope this isn’t. My working three nights per week has restricted my availability but I’m now in a position where I can direct new potential members to the group – something I’m pleased to do. So if the group needs to re-think its meeting times, venue etc. now is an ideal time to do this. I’m aware there are fringe members who might well benefit from the group doing just that. So I thank everyone for their previous support and urge you all to support your next committee well.
This year we’ve been pleased to welcome some new members and I hope this continues. Highlights of the past year include the joint launches of Peter Bird’s novel and my poetry collection at Lancashire College in March. We were also pleased that Alec Price was present to read from his recently published novella and that Peter Cropper read from his soon-to-be published novel. It’s good to showcase individual successes.
I express considerable thanks to Alan Gaskell and Belinda Farrell for collating, editing and publishing Aware 3. Alan’s skill in incorporating graphics resulted in this issue having a distinct presentation. Thank you.
I also express appreciation to Susanne Holt for organising the joint launch of Aware 3 and The Runshaw Writers’ Forum’s own magazine, Write Lines, Issue1. Also to Belinda for liaising on our behalf.
Thanks to Alan Dent from The Penniless Press for speaking about publishing at last year’s AGM and to Peter Cropper for his workshop about researching.
But let’s not forget all our low-key meetings – the writing bursts and critique nights – because these often offer the most benefit and inspiration to members and visitors alike. I hope they will continue and that members will remain generous with their time and comments.
I wish continued success to Chorley and District Writers’ Circle as a whole and to each of its individual members. Thank you.
Many, many thanks to you, Carol, for all the wonderful and extremely hard work you have put in over the years. I am sure the Circle will feel the loss of you. Hopefully the fine tradition of hard writing-work and good fun you have set up over what must have been a very demanding stint as chairperson will continue. Here's hoping the Circle has a bright future, though no less than the very best wishes for your own.
Please don't become a stranger, though - stay in touch!
Secretary’s report : AGM 27th May 2008
Attendance continues to be an issue for the group. Whilst membership has increased, meeting attendance has ranged from 3 members to 13 (one occasion following an unexpected promotion of the group in Chorley Guardian). On average between 3 and 5 members attend most meetings. There is a large peripheral membership, many of which remain on the circulation list whilst not participating in meetings or any group initiatives. Current membership is 33, though based on activity this is more like 5-10.
Initiatives have been considered throughout the year to increase attendance at meetings including moving location, or moving the day of the week that the meeting takes place. However, so far none of the proposed initiatives have proven of interest to the members who attend less frequently, as an incentive to increase attendance. Reasons for lack of attendance include ill health, work, and other commitments.
During the year the group has launched a blog at Eleven members have registered so far, though usage is still quite limited, possibly due to members’ fears of ‘breaking’ the site. Thanks are owed to Alan Gaskell for setting the site up on our behalf.
A variety of events have occurred throughout the year. Attempts have been made to make the activities to be more beneficial to the members, with regular critique events, reading nights and writing bursts. Peter Cropper ran an excellent workshop on research.
Aware 3 was launched in November 2007 in conjunction with the first edition of Write Lines by Runshaw College Writing group. The launch of the magazine was promoted in the Chorley Guardian. Thanks are owed to Runshaw College for their hospitality in hosting the event, and Alan Gaskell for setting and arranging the printing of the magazine. Copies of the magazine are still available for sale.
In March 2008 a book launch event was held at Lancashire College promoting the success of individual members of the group who have published books available, including Carol, Peter Bird, Peter Cropper and Alec Price.
The challenge for the group going forward is both to attract new membership and better serve the needs of the existing group, encouraging increased attendance at meetings, and more active participation from the wider membership.
Thanks Nicky. And I trust you will remain as generous with your critique as you've always been - a great asset to the circle.
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