Sunday, 18 May 2008

About the AGM

As previously indicated, the posts of Chairperson, Secretary and Treasurer are up for ‘grabs’, and as Carol is leaving the group we will need someone to take responsibility for the key to Astley Farmhouse. So that you can decide whether you’re interested or not please see below a brief overview of what’s involved:

Chairperson - Chair meetings and write a chairman’s report for the AGM (edit Aware?)

Treasurer - Bank cash, issue cheques. Prepare year end balance sheet.

Secretary – circulate details of forthcoming events to the group, promote & provide details of the group to new members, collate details of attendance/apologies for meetings, write meeting minutes, act as point of contact for group communications.

Key person – collect key after 10am on the day of the meeting and return it before 10am the following day. (assuming the group still meets at CVC)

In addition, the Chairperson & Secretary will need to take responsibility for updating and maintaining the blog – this includes adding or inviting new members, and controlling format and look. It’s all easy stuff, and I’d be happy to show whoever takes over the role how it’s done.

Unfortunately if we are not able to fill these posts it will be necessary to suspend the group. If it doesn’t re-start after an agreed period all the monies should go to a similar group in or near the borough.

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