Saturday, 31 May 2008

Aware 4

Hi all,

The theme for Aware 4 has been set, so get writing your stories, poems, articles, haiku, flash fictions, haibun, etc, anything you can think of on the theme of:


Please send your submissions either to or directly to Dea at

AGM Minutes (excluding committee): 27th May 2008

Decide future format of the group


Administrator responsibility for the blog would need to be re-allocated following Carol’s departure. Agreed that Heather would take responsibility for this, as well as Belinda (already an administrator) and Alan Gaskell. Alan suggested that we consider moving the site to a wordpress site which would be picked up in a Google search, whereas the current site isn’t. Agreed that the intention with the site is to use it as a promotional tool for the group and therefore it would be beneficial to make the site more publicly available. Alan is also looking into website development which would include a ‘private’ section of the site (for members only) allowing critique between members only, not on public display.

Monthly meetings

In order to encourage members to attend the meetings it was agreed that we would consider alternating the monthly meetings between a Tuesday and a Wednesday, and fixing it as the last Tuesday or Wednesday of the month to make it easier to remember. Heather will look into changing dates at CVS and will circulate a revised programme once complete. However, this may be dependent upon meeting the key keeping requirements. One to review.


As noted above, there are difficulties with the current location due to problems with meeting the key keeping requirements. Need to circulate the members to determine if there is anyone able to collect/drop off the key. If not we will need to consider an alternative venue for the meeting. This has been previously discussed but dismissed due to the cost involved (current venue is free). If we are unable to find a key keeper then the next meeting may need to take place at another venue, with considerations to be made about how to cover the cost.

Belinda will contact Chris Bryan at Chorley Council to see if he can assist. Heather will ring the CVS to see if we can obtain a spare key.

Membership fee

The idea of introducing a membership fee was floated in the group. This would be in line with other organisations which include a fee, as well as assisting in covering the groups’ costs throughout the year. Suggested that a small fee of £10 for annual membership, with a concessionary fee of £5 (students/financially assisted members/pensioners) would be a reasonable cost. Need to make members aware of this, as well as considering how the fee would be collected.

Aware 4

It was agreed that to encourage quality submissions for Aware 4 (launch in November) we would agree on a theme and start collating submissions now. Agreed that the theme would be Flight. Please e-mail submissions to Dea at Submissions may be poems, short stories (Dea to confirm length restrictions if any), articles, haiku, flash fiction, and anything else you can think of! Dea suggested perhaps following a slightly different format this year, possibly including a competition or ‘showcase’ element to the magazine. One for consideration, further details will follow.

Thursday, 29 May 2008

Post AGM Changes

Hi everyone,

Minutes from the AGM will follow in the next few days. Firstly, there have been some changes following the AGM which I'd like to make you aware of. With effect from 27th May the committee now consists of:

Chairperson: Peter Cropper
Vice-Chair: Dea Parkin
Secretary: Heather Richardson
Treasurer: Hayley Noble

Thank you to each of the above for volunteering; hopefully, working together and with increased involvement from the membership, the group can go from strength to strength.

I would also like to take this opportunity, on behalf of the group, to extend our thanks and appreciation to both Carol and Hazel who have been staunch members over the years, without whom, perhaps, the group might not still be in existence. You both have our eternal gratitude and good wishes; may you both enjoy peace and success in the future. You will be missed!

We still have a few issues to resolve - in particular there are problems collecting and dropping off the key for Astley Farmhouse which means that we may need to consider moving the location of the meetings. If anyone is able to take over this responsibility please come forward, it would be greatly appreciated by all.

We're hoping that Chris Bryan from Chorley Council will be able to make our next meeting, and provide us with some advice regarding locale and financial assistance. Further updates on this will follow.

Wednesday, 28 May 2008

Farewell from the chair

Thanks to everyone who attended last night's AGM and to all those who have volunteered to be part of the new committee. I find myself in the position of being able to direct new members to the group so it's pleasing (and relieving!) to know that there will still be a group to signpost folks to.
Please support your new committee. I'm sure they'll work hard on your behalf. I've posted my report to the AGM as a comment to this blog.
Goodbye and good luck.


Tuesday, 20 May 2008


Bored, and browsing the web this evening I made a startling discovery! Reading through the online magazine "Ink, Sweat and Tears" I discovered two of my own poems, submitted a month ago, nestling in the 01st May entry! Perhaps their e-mail went astray, but no matter; it was a most pleasant surprise. Interesting site for a read if nothing else; check it out at:

Sunday, 18 May 2008

About the AGM

As previously indicated, the posts of Chairperson, Secretary and Treasurer are up for ‘grabs’, and as Carol is leaving the group we will need someone to take responsibility for the key to Astley Farmhouse. So that you can decide whether you’re interested or not please see below a brief overview of what’s involved:

Chairperson - Chair meetings and write a chairman’s report for the AGM (edit Aware?)

Treasurer - Bank cash, issue cheques. Prepare year end balance sheet.

Secretary – circulate details of forthcoming events to the group, promote & provide details of the group to new members, collate details of attendance/apologies for meetings, write meeting minutes, act as point of contact for group communications.

Key person – collect key after 10am on the day of the meeting and return it before 10am the following day. (assuming the group still meets at CVC)

In addition, the Chairperson & Secretary will need to take responsibility for updating and maintaining the blog – this includes adding or inviting new members, and controlling format and look. It’s all easy stuff, and I’d be happy to show whoever takes over the role how it’s done.

Unfortunately if we are not able to fill these posts it will be necessary to suspend the group. If it doesn’t re-start after an agreed period all the monies should go to a similar group in or near the borough.