Sunday 9 December 2007

9th December

Welcome to the blog Jan! Thanks for posting that wonderful haiku.

It doesn't have to just be haiku though everyone, how about a short story, article, longer poem, just so long as the theme is wintery, or Christmassy whichever.

On the Outside

Condensation obscures the view
through the window;
but I can see the fire
dancing, and shades of people
sharing wine and stories.
It’s dark outside
here in the cold,
the sound of their laughter
is just a shadow.

Christmas crowds bulge,
an overfilled stocking.
Knitted hats, plastic bags
stuffed to capacity.
There will be no candles
on my Christmas tree;
my stocking
stuffed with air.
It leaks through the holes
where the toe used to be.

Hear the church bells ringing,
singing the joy
of the season.
They do not ring
for me.
Here, on the outside,
I have all the friends I need.
I reach out an open hand,
and another one
turns to water.

(c) B Dale 2007

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