Wednesday, 26 November 2008



TV Scriptwriter and Novelist Cath Staincliffe will be the guest speaker.
Cath will also be announcing the winners of our inaugural Writing Competition

3rd DECEMBER @ 7pm

Tuesday, 18 November 2008

And now for some real poetry...

from a possible future member of Chorley Writers'?

The Blustering Wind

Who has seen the wind?
Blowing down the trees
Leaves blowing down the street
Water jumping up and down
and gates flying open and closed.

Who has heard the wind?
Rustling through the leaves
The wind howls like a wolf
and crashes through the trees.

Balls blowing away from children
Birthday cards blowing out of windows
Models blow off window-sills
and break in pieces on the floor.

This is my son's first poem which he wrote as part of a school project on the subject of 'wind'. He is 8.

Saturday, 15 November 2008

Losing the plot?...

Hello everyone!
So, I think I must need my head testing! Having just spent two days in Oxfordshire on work business, still chipping away at my 50,000 words - a journey which has dipped my toe in religion, and immersed me in an investigation into existentialism, trying to write some poems now and then, I think, officially, I have bitten off more than I can chew! In need of a bit of light relief I thought I'd blog here and say, THANKS! To everyone who commented about my recent success. I'm not sure whether I'm okay to post the poem or not so I'll keep hold of it for the moment. Instead, and as Heather bullied me (just kidding !) I'll post my Villanelle from the recent, and very fun, poetry night:


Please help me, have you seen my son?
He was right here only a second ago.
I turned for just a moment and he was gone.

We were on our way to the park for some fun
I had him by the hand, and he let go.
Please help me, have you seen my son?

It’s all my fault, oh what have I done?
My boy, he’s only 4 years old you know,
I turned for just a moment and he was gone.

He was wearing trousers with pockets on the knee,
and a t-shirt egg yolk yellow.
Please help me, have you seen my son?

He’d asked me if it was okay to run
I said not to wander, I told him so.
I turned for just a moment and he was gone

Has anyone seen him, please help me, anyone?
No wait…excuse me…are you listening, hello?
Please help me, have you seen my son?
I turned for just a moment and he was gone.

And I think, can I also say officially THANKS! to Heather for organising the poetry night. It was a really fun night, despite the wrist-slitting depressiveness of the poetry! And my son is learning about poetry at school at the moment so we dug out his Spike Milligan book and had some laughs at home too!

Look forward to seeing you all at the launch night.

Saturday, 8 November 2008

PoemA Day for November

A bit late but not too late to catch up. Robert Lee Brewer is issuing a poem a day challenge with a view to recreating a chapbook. Each day he issues a different writing challenge towards completing the collection. So if you need some motivation and inspiration check it out:

Good news everyone...

to use my best Futurama voice!

Anyways, once upon a time I mentioned that I don't really do competitions, and it's true but then every now and again I have delusions of grandeur and enter. So when Carol kindly circulated details of the Pennine Ink Poetry Competition I decided to enter my poem It is not dark.

And guess what?

I came second! Yippeeee!

I've never been placed in a competition before so this is a real milestone for me. Thanks to Pennine Ink for showing some faith in my writing, and to Carol too for circulating the details in the first place.

See, already practicing my Oscar speech!

Sunday, 2 November 2008

National Novel Writing Month

November 1st marks the beginning of National Novel Writing Month; a month in which published and unpublished writers attempt to write a 175 page (50,000 word) novel in 30 days. Details of the event here:

Anyone fancy signing up?