Monday, 7 July 2008



Pale as moon shadow
shrouded in cherry blossom
the Geisha dances.
She holds men’s hearts in her palm,
desire pricks her bloodied lips.

Creating whirlwinds
she swirls, a force of nature
mesmerising eyes;
each movement carefully planned,
perfectly executed.

She is mystery,
a symbol of forgotten
times when beauty reigned.
Shrouded in cherry blossom
the Geisha dances for you.


CADWC Secretary said...

Comments from the Reading Night :

We all loved the poem (even those who said they don't like poetry!!!)

Thought the subject was a good one and that the words and rhythm successfully suggested the grace of the geisha.

We thought the poem could actually be a little longer - make the 'dance' of the poem go on a little longer and have the chance to add even more of the geisha's movements to it.

Mistlethrush said...

You know a poem works when the form doesn't force the poem. This doesn't - well done.
The only improvement (if you want to make one) is to think of a stronger last line. Last lines - are oh so important.